With AI helping to innovating materials, Xinterra wants to empower every person on the planet to become a CO2 capture agent

June 17, 2024

A summary from our April 2024 'AI+Materials/Industrials/Energy' event. By Patrick Teyssonneyre, CEO and Co-founder, Xinterra

Xinterra is on a mission to rapidly innovate new materials for sustainability by powering AI with tailored high throughput experimentation, in the form of an AI-driven platform XDF (Xinterra Design Factory™). Xinterra is the proud inventor of COzTERRA, an innovative technology for CO2 removal materials, starting with textiles.

Patrick, an accomplished senior executive with over 23 years of global experience in Deep Tech Ventures, Climate Tech and General Management of Innovation & Technology, has led the development of numerous technologies, products and applications into successful commercialization in the chemical and materials Industries. He is the former Global CTO of Braskem, currently CEO and Co-founder of Xinterra.

Xinterra is a Singapore-based startup that leverages artificial intelligence powered by high throughput experimentation to develop sustainable materials for various industries. We aim to revolutionize materials R&D by significantly reducing the time, from years to months, and costs.

Each product or service Xinterra offers is designed with sustainability and efficiency in mind, aiming to significantly reduce the typical R&D timeline from years to a much shorter period. The use of AI not only speeds up the discovery process but also allows for the creation of materials with specific target applications, which can be incremental formulations or breakthrough materials.

Xinterra has a vision to create 100 materials/formulations in 10 years, targeting multiple materials verticals, and aims to establish itself as the ‘ARM’ of materials for sustainability.

The company’s business model is focused on the creation of Materials IP, at the moment in the area of Carbon Removal materials for textiles, under the brand COzTERRA. Xinterra’s monetization mechanisms include Materials Sales, Licensing, and potential JVs/Spin-offs.

With COzTERRA we want to empower every human being on the surface of our planet to become a CO2 capture agent, transforming “dormant” surfaces into active CO2 capture surfaces.

Twenty people wearing COzTERRA treated t-shirts capture daily an equivalent amount of CO2 captured by a mature tree in a day. The product is a drop-in liquid formulation designed to be applied in the finishing stage of textile manufacturing. The CO2 captured by the textiles is converted into sodium bicarbonate during the washing process with conventional detergent. And in the same process the CO2 removal agent is recharged.

A key enabler for the development of COzTERRA formulation in record time was the high throughput environment chambers created in house to measure up to 40 samples a day, compared to the status quo (1-2 samples a day). With these tools we created the initial database to train our AI algorithms. The more we run those cycles, the more powerful our AI becomes. 

From ground zero (when we didn’t have any database) to filing the patent application for COzTERRA, we took only 11 months, which is much faster than the most likely 5 years it would have taken by established chemical/materials companies. We went from TRL 1 to 8 in 14 months.

COzTERRA was crowned the winner of the prestigious Vogue x BMW Innovation Prize in 2023, which represents an important validation of two iconic companies.

We are a founding team of materials scientists and engineers who come from the chemical industry and from institutions such as MIT, UC Berkeley and A*STAR (Singapore). We have more than 100 years experience combined in the materials science space.

Xinterra is revolutionizing the materials value chain, generating high quality experimental data fast and cheap, to magnify the power of our AI and create 100 new materials/formulations for sustainable applications in 10 years.