in new
of the future

The world is changing rapidly, everything that we have taken for granted – abundant fossil energy, our habitat, our food sources – are all changing at alarming speeds. Old industries are replaced by new ones that are better for mankind to help save the planet for future generations. At CM Venture, we invest into new industries that will shape mankind’s tomorrow. We do so by predicting future trends, selecting potential movers and shakers, supporting them to build great companies, and partnering with our corporate investors and our ecosystem.


Econic welcomes new investment to accelerate CO₂ polyols and surfactants


NovoNutrients: turning carbon emissions into sustainable protein solutions for the future


Innovation China Conference, “AI+ Materials/Industrials/Energy”, 29 April 2024, Crowne Hotel Shanghai Fudan

Materials Cycle

Everything around us is made from a material, a resource that has evolved over time through science. Whether in its original, raw state, or a formula of precious elements that make up the final product, we identify key opportunities at every stage of the material life cycle, which includes new solutions to end-of-life upcycling or new methods to recycling.

Advanced Manufacturing

With strong policies supporting tech manufacturing, China’s manufacturing industry will undergo a transformational upgrade. We’re interested in innovative startups in the advanced manufacturing sector: robotics, 3D printing, laser processing, advanced components, automation, etc.

Energy Transformation

As humanity reduces its dependency of fossil fuels, the world is turning to sustainable, renewable energy sources to help resolve climate change. Hydrogen fuel, solar power and bio-energy are a few areas where great strides in innovation are taking place and becoming part of the circular economy – and where we’ve invested into.

Environment & Sustainability

Global policies are taking a greater focus on environmental responsibility and sustainability. More conglomerates consciously taking steps to ensure Earth’s precious resources – water, air, land – are respected and restored. Carbon capture utilization & storage (CCUS), for example, supports decarbonization efforts to prevent global warming – just one of the flagships of our venture.

What type of startups do we look out for?

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We like disruptive technologies protected by strong IPs, are beyond proof-of-concept, cost-effective in manufacturing, and world-class in performance.

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The startup should address an emerging new industry that will shape the world for decades to come. It should offer a clear value proposition leading to a big impact on the industry.

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A highly scalable business model that provides a clear path to industry leadership. The business should not be dependent on undeveloped parts of the value chain, and its resources should support its industry ambition.

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The founding team should have a big vision, deep insights, unwavering passion, industry leadership, uncompromisable ethics, and a constant drive to learn and grow.

What kind of investors do we work with?

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We work with corporate venture capital (CVC) arms of multinational companies in the space we invest in – materials, industrial, energy, manufacturing, and consumer goods companies. We work with CVCs to build win-win partnership between startups and corporates.

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We work with pensions and endowments of universities and institutes and deliver solid return so that the universities and institutes can continue to do what they do best – to support long-term scientific research and train next-generation leaders.

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Impact investors who are committed to sustainability and consider environmental, social and governance factors in investment decisions. We work with impact investors to measure and maximize positive impacts of
world-class innovations.

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We work with financial investors who understand early-stage venture capital model for industrials and have allocations and long-term commitments to the space. We deliver solid and consistent financial returns so that their beneficiaries have meaningful exposure to future new industries that shape the world of their future generations.

Join us or our portfolio companies