CM Venture Capital portfolio company Enwise had won prizes for two Entrepreneurship Competitions

September 7, 2020

CM Portfolio company Enwise had won prizes for two Entrepreneurship Competitions during July and September 2020, been recognized for its innovative technology.


On July 10, 2020,  Enwise participated in the “Great Lake Talent Cup”, a high-level Talent Entrepreneurship Competition in Sihong. The competition’s purpose is to attract technological enterprises that meet the industrial development to settle in Sihong and provide talent support and intellectual support for industrial breakthroughs.  It has high requirements for companies in order to participate and offers 2 million to 8 million RMB industrial fund investment for the top 3 places. Among hundreds of companies, Enwise won the Shanghai division championship and is qualified to move to the final round, which has the winning prize of Investment by 8 million RMB investment fund. 

On September 7, 2020, Enwise won third place on the 4th “China Chuangyi” Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition, which is a national-level competition that is jointly sponsored by six departments including Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. The entrepreneurial projects reflect the innovation and entrepreneurship trends of new technologies, new formats, and new industries. Innovation projects accounted for more than 80%. The two founders of Enwise, Dr. Stephane Vernede and Ms. Li Zhuoya, introduced Enwise’s entrepreneurial project “Wet Waste lightens Low Carbon Life”.  Through dry anaerobic fermentation and degradation of wet garbage, the biogas produced during the treatment process can be flexibly converted into electricity, hot water and other renewable energy. This green and low-carbon wet waste treatment method and the technical route have been widely praised by the judges.

By winning the prizes at the competitions, Enwise had demonstrated its technical competitiveness, while reiterating the company’s focus on improving its treatment capacity of the core dry anaerobic fermentation process for wet waste, which will contribute to the development of a green circular economy in the county.