A sustainable future calls for making use of resources in abundance. One of these areas is carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS). The 2nd edition of Innovation China Conference 2024 explores new thinking and breakthroughs to support carbon mitigation, by making use of an element that earth isn’t short on: carbon. Notable companies speaking at the event included: British American Tobacco, Bloomberg NEF, Veolia, CICC, Shanghai Environment & Energy Exchange, Herbert Smith Freehills, and more. For the first time, the event also featured 10 renewable carbon exhibitors on-site, and a Battery Material Decarbonization Challenge sponsored by BAT with 8 startups participating. The event rounded up with a wine & cheese event sponsored by Penfolds Australia. The event was opened by our lead sponsor, represented by Mr Takamasa Wakaki, Chairman and GM of Mitsubishi Corporation (Shanghai), Vice-Chairman of the Low-Carbon Economy Service Committee of Shanghai Modern Service Federation, and member of SEIF Foundation.
Investing in Renewable Carbon by CM Venture Capital CEO & SEIF Foundation Director, Dr Min Zhou
Investment in China: Opportunities & Challenges in the Current Climate – Nanda Lau, Partner, HSF
Global Trends on Energy Transition Investment – Zhang Cheng, Snr Mgr, Bloomberg New Energy Finance
The Innovation 2020 event was held at Grand Kempinski Shanghai. Six multinational companies and a number of start-ups and investment firms gathered to share the industry trends and insights on Circular Carbon Economy & Digitization. The conference was held both online and offline simultaneously for the first time, and attended by over 200 people from MNC companies, venture firms, and corporate venture capital arms, and start-ups. View some of the presentations below.
The 2019 Innovation China Conference was held at JW Marriott Beijing. Four multinational companies, eight start-ups, and a number of investment firms gathered to discuss on the topic of Functional Materials. The conference was attended by over top-level executives from MNC companies, venture firms and corporate venture capital arms, and start-ups. View some of the presentations below.
The 2018 Innovation China Conference 2018 was held in Shanghai. The focus was on CM Venture’s founders expertise: material technology (CM Venture co-founders Dr Min Zhou and Dr Patrick Berbon are material scientists by training and experience). Four multinational companies, nine start-ups and seven VC firms in the field of new materials spoke at the conference. The conference was attended by over 200 people from MNC companies, venture firms and corporate venture capital arms, and start-ups. View some of the presentations below.
The 3rd Innovation China Conference in 2017 was held in Shanghai. The theme focused on the power of digital transformation across industries. Attended by over 200 people from MNC companies, venture firms and corporate venture capital arms, and start-ups across multiple fields. Plus an exclusive summary of the conference, authored by Dr. Min Zhou, CEO of CM Venture Capital.
The 2nd Innovation China Conference in 2016 was also held in Shanghai. Titled ‘Advanced Manufacturing’, the theme was focused on how digital technology and connectivity were driving the evolution of modern manufacturing. It was attended by over 150 executives from MNC companies, venture firms and corporate venture capital arms, and start-ups. View some of the presentations below.
A Brilliant Transformation in Manufacturing by Christine Furstoss, Vice President @ GE Global Research
Return to Manufacturing: Advanced Manufacturing by Dr. Min Zhou,
CEO @ CM Venture Capital
The inaugural Innovation Conference China 2015 event was held in Shanghai. The interest was overwhelming: over 200 executives, entrepreneurs and VC professionals gathered to hear from leading VCs discussing venture in “hard technologies”, from Professor Josh Lerner of Harvard Business School on corporate venture capital, and from experts as well as seven start-ups in the energy storage space. View some of the presentations below.
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Yangpu District, Shanghai, China 200433
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